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The Presence of their Absence: A Personal and Film Journey
Like many children of Holocaust survivors, protecting our parents from the pain of sharing with us their harrowing experiences and loss...
A Screening and Discussion with Filmmaker Donna Kanter
Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 6pm with a reception at 6:30pm and screening at the Weis Cinema, Campus Center
Erev Tisha B’Av Service & Film: “The Presence of their Absence”
Join the Actors’ Temple for a screening of “The Presence of their Absence,” the story of Fred Zaidman, a Los Angeles son of a Holocaust...
Lunch Was Every Other Wednesday; A Lovely Afternoon with Documentary Filmmaker Donna Kanter
By Sarah Key at The Hollywood Times The documentary Lunch, written, produced, and directed by Donna Kanter, the daughter of famous writer...
Lunch: The Documentary of Great Comedy Minds By Donna Kanter
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed getting to know the great comedy minds in the entertainment business.
On Kanter’s Lunch: Old Jews Slurping Soup and the Fate of Jewish Humor
“Gary and I are not old enough yet to eat soup,” declares TV writer and producer John Rappaport, who, along with voice actor Gary Owens,...
‘Lunch’ with Sid Caesar and Friends
They’re seated in a back room of Factor’s Famous Deli on Pico Boulevard, a boisterous group of longtime Hollywood funnymen...
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